AmigaOS3.5 (283/967)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:9 May 2000 at 06:35:06
Subject:Re: Tacky Backdrops!!!

On 08-May-00 at 02:44:43, Don Cox wrote these words of wisdom:
> On 08-May-00, Marion E. Wyatt wrote:
>>> Of course if you change the screen size of your Workbench frequently
>>> this won't do, but mine stays the same size for long periods.
>> Mine does too, but I get pictures that I want to use as backdrops and
>> I don't wanna resize and change them by adding borders and such... It
>> is easier if the prfs program can intelligently(?) add a colored
>> border around an image too small to fill the screen or scale it to fit
>> on the fly. CGWBPattern did all these. I want to be lazy and not have
>> to do this in an image processing program (I could easily do it in
>> ImageFX if I desired).
> But if you want Workbench to do your image processing, booting will take
> longer.

Not noticably longer to me. :-)

> I keep the processed pictures in a drawer on the Workbench partition.
> Processing is no big deal - how often do you change your background? In
> my case it involves about 5 minutes work every couple of months (when
> some picture turns up that looks suitable).

Pretty often.. sometimes weekly. I've even though of daily or every boot
with a random option. Perhaps I should look at the new OS3.5 friendly
FastIPrefs for some of these options (though not all that CGWBPattern did
AFAIK). I just hav been trying to stick as close to OS3.5 as possible.

Marion E Wyatt A3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1+18.2GB ZIP100 Support commercial Only AMIGA Makes It Possible!
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